1.1 This policy is designed to alert our staff to the risks presented by lone working, to identify the responsibilities each person has in this situation, and to describe procedures which will minimise such risks. It is not intended to raise anxiety unnecessarily, but to give our staff a framework for managing potentially risky situations.

1.2 The policy applies to all our staff who may be working alone, at any time and refers particularly to staff who work out of normal office hours.

1.3 Where the conditions of delivering the service require staff to work alone, a risk assessment must be drawn up with the Manager to assess and reduce the risks which lone working presents.

1.14 When drawing up a risk assessment, the following issues should be considered as appropriate to the circumstances:

  • Environment: location, security, accesses

  • Context: nature of the task, any special circumstances.

  • Individuals concerned: indicators of potential or actual risk.

  • History: any previous incidents in similar situations.

  • Any other special circumstances.


We recognise the vulnerability of our care staff who, as a necessary part of their duties, will be working in isolation with the service user on their “territory”. This often means working late shifts and almost certainly working alone unless the service user’s care and dependency requirements have indicated otherwise.

We have established a policy with the express intention of minimising the risks to our staff and ensuring their safety as far as we are able. We do this through the following procedures:

  • conducting a detailed assessment of each service user’s wants and needs

  • assessing the hazards that the care worker may encounter during travel time, especially at night.

  • identifying any precautionary measures that may be required to ensure safety of the care worker.

  • ensuring that staff can ALWAYS contact the Organisation out-of-hours.

  • Doubling-up staff where risks to staff are considered high.

Staff will receive full training on all aspects of working late or alone with service users.


3.1 There should be a regular test of the alarm system.

3.2 In buildings where staff may be working, an agreed system should be in place to alert colleagues in an emergency.

3.3 If the premises have been broken into, staff should alert the emergency services and the Line Manager, and await backup.

3.4 Managers are responsible for ensuring that all appropriate steps are taken to control access to the building, and that emergency exits are accessible.

3.5 Security key codes which provide access to the premises should be changed regularly to avert any breach of security.


Please refer to procedure Accident/Incident Reporting, MA-02.

4.1 Staff should assess the nature of the situation and report if necessary to the emergency services.

4.2 Staff should inform the Service Manager as soon as possible if there has been an incident. 4.3 An Accident/Incident Report Form, C4-001, should be completed following any incident.

Quality Assurance Policy

Status of Policy/Procedure


Title of Policy



Review cycle:

Date of development

Dr Nujhat Jahan

December 2022

December 2023

Date of next review